X Author: Zhi Liu
Vogl, Ulrike S, Simon F Lux, Ethan J Crumlin, Zhi Liu, Lydia Terborg, Martin Winter, and Robert Kostecki."The Mechanism of SEI Formation on a Single Crystal Si(100) Electrode."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
162.4 (2015) A603-A607. DOI
Zhao, Hui, Zhihui Wang, Peng Lu, Meng Jiang, Feifei Shi, Xiangyun Song, Ziyang Zheng, Xin Zhou, Yanbao Fu, Guerfi Abdelbast, Xingcheng Xiao, Zhi Liu, Vincent S Battaglia, Karim Zaghib, and Gao Liu."Toward practical application of functional conductive polymer binder for a high-energy lithium-ion battery design."Nano Letters
14 (2014) 6704–6710. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Xiangyun Song, Linwang Wang, Michael E Grass, Zhi Liu, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."The Effects of Native Oxide Surface Layer on the Electrochemical Performance of Si Nanoparticle-Based Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
158 (2011) A1260-A1266. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Xiangyun Song, Michael E Grass, Daniel K Roseguo, Zhi Liu, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Li."Improved Initial Performance of Si Nanoparticles by Surface Oxide Reduction for Lithium-Ion Battery Application."Electrochemical Solid-State Letters
14.5 (2011) A61-A63 . DOI