X Author: Zengqing Zhuo
Li, Ning, Meiling Sun, Wang Hay Kan, Zengqing Zhuo, Sooyeon Hwang, Sara E Renfrew, Maxim Avdeev, Ashfia Huq, Bryan D McCloskey, Dong Su, Wanli Yang, and Wei Tong."Layered-rocksalt intergrown cathode for high-capacity zero-strain battery operation."Nature Communications
12.1 (2021). DOI
Zhuo, Zengqing, Paul Olalde-Velasco, Timothy Chin, Vincent S Battaglia, Stephen J Harris, Feng Pan, and Wanli Yang."Effect of excess lithium in LiMn 2O 4and Li 1.15Mn 1.85O 4electrodes revealed by quantitative analysis of soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy."Applied Physics Letters
110.9 (2017) 093902. DOI