X Author: Xingcheng Xiao
Zhao, Hui, Zhihui Wang, Peng Lu, Meng Jiang, Feifei Shi, Xiangyun Song, Ziyang Zheng, Xin Zhou, Yanbao Fu, Guerfi Abdelbast, Xingcheng Xiao, Zhi Liu, Vincent S Battaglia, Karim Zaghib, and Gao Liu."Toward practical application of functional conductive polymer binder for a high-energy lithium-ion battery design."Nano Letters
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Yuca, Neslihan, Hui Zhao, Xiangyun Song, Murat F Dogdu, Wen Yuan, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, Xingcheng Xiao, and Gao Liu."A Systematic Investigation of Polymer Binder Flexibility on the Electrode Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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Wu, Mingyan, Xingcheng Xiao, Nenad Vukmirovic, Shidi Xun, Prodip K Das, Xiangyun Song, Paul Olalde-Velasco, Dongdong Wang, Adam Z Weber, Lin-Wang Wang, Vincent S Battaglia, Wanli Yang, and Gao Liu."Toward an Ideal Polymer Binder Design for High-Capacity Battery Anodes."J Am Chem Soc
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