X Author: Stephen W Sofie
Yi, Eongyu, Hao Shen, Stephen Heywood, Judith Alvarado, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Stephen W Sofie, and Marca M Doeff."All-Solid-State Batteries Using Rationally Designed Garnet Electrolyte Frameworks."ACS Applied Energy Materials
3.1 (2020) 170 - 175. DOI
Shen, Hao, Eongyu Yi, Stephen Heywood, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Nobumichi Tamura, Stephen W Sofie, Kai Chen, and Marca M Doeff."Scalable Freeze-Tape-Casting Fabrication and Pore Structure Analysis of 3D LLZO Solid-State Electrolytes."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
12.3 (2020) 3494 - 3501. DOI
Shen, Hao, Eongyu Yi, Lei Cheng, Marco Amores, Guoying Chen, Stephen W Sofie, and Marca M Doeff."Solid-state electrolyte considerations for electric vehicle batteries."Sustainable Energy & Fuels
3.7 (2019) 1647 - 1659. DOI