X Author: Simon F Lux
Cheng, Lei, Huaming Hou, Simon F Lux, Robert Kostecki, Ryan Davis, Vassilia Zorba, Apurva Mehta, and Marca M Doeff."Enhanced lithium ion transport in garnet-type solid state electrolytes."Journal of Electroceramics
38.2-4 (2017) 168 - 175. DOI
Cheng, Lei, Huaming Hou, Simon F Lux, Robert Kostecki, Ryan Davis, Vassilia Zorba, Apurva Mehta, and Marca M Doeff."Enhanced lithium ion transport in garnet-type solid state electrolytes."Journal of Electroceramics
38.2-4 (2017) 168 - 175. DOI
Vogl, Ulrike S, Simon F Lux, Prodip K Das, Adam Z Weber, Tobias Placke, Robert Kostecki, and Martin Winter."The Mechanism of SEI Formation on Single Crystal Si(100), Si(110) and Si(111) Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
162.12 (2015) A2281 - A2288. DOI
Ayache, Maurice, Simon F Lux, and Robert Kostecki."IR Near-Field Study of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase on a Tin Electrode."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
6 (2015) 1126-1129. DOI
Vogl, Ulrike S, Simon F Lux, Ethan J Crumlin, Zhi Liu, Lydia Terborg, Martin Winter, and Robert Kostecki."The Mechanism of SEI Formation on a Single Crystal Si(100) Electrode."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
162.4 (2015) A603-A607. DOI
Lux, Simon F, Elad Pollak, Ulrike Boesenberg, Thomas J Richardson, and Robert Kostecki."Electrochemical reactivity of pyrolytic carbon film electrodes in organic carbonate electrolytes."Electrochemistry Communications
(2014). DOI
Vogl, Ulrike S, Prodip K Das, Adam Z Weber, Martin Winter, Robert Kostecki, and Simon F Lux."The mechanism of interactions between CMC binder and Si single crystal facets."Langmuir
(2014). DOI
Imholt, Laura, Simon F Lux, Hinrich W Meyer, Martin Winter, and Robert Kostecki."The Effect of Linear Carbonates on HF Formation in LiPF6-based Electrolytes."ECS Transactions
58.15 (2014) 1-5. DOI
Norberg, Nick S, Simon F Lux, and Robert Kostecki."Interfacial side-reactions at a LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 electrode in organic carbonate-based electrolytes."Electrochemistry Communications
34 (2013) 29-32. DOI