X Author: Shidi Xun
Wu, Mingyan, Xingcheng Xiao, Nenad Vukmirovic, Shidi Xun, Prodip K Das, Xiangyun Song, Paul Olalde-Velasco, Dongdong Wang, Adam Z Weber, Lin-Wang Wang, Vincent S Battaglia, Wanli Yang, and Gao Liu."Toward an Ideal Polymer Binder Design for High-Capacity Battery Anodes."J Am Chem Soc
135.32 (2013) 12048-56. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Bin Xiang, Andrew M Minor, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Conductive Polymer and Silicon Composite Secondary Particles for a High Area-Loading Negative Electrode."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
160.9 (2013) A1380-A1383. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Conductive Polymer Binder-Enabled Cycling of Pure Tin Nanoparticle Composite Anode Electrodes for a Lithium-Ion Battery."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
160.6 (2013) A849 - A855. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Jin Chong, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, and Vincent S Battaglia."Li4P2O7 modified high performance Li3V2(PO4)3 cathode material."Journal of Materials Chemistry
22.31 (2012) 15775-15781. DOI
Ridgway, Paul L, Honghe Zheng, Abner F Bello, Xiangyun Song, Shidi Xun, Jin Chong, and Vincent S Battaglia."Comparison of cycling performance of lithium ion cell anode graphites."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
159.5 (2012) A520-A524. DOI
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, Xiangyun Song, Paul L Ridgway, Gao Liu, and Vincent S Battaglia."Towards the understanding of coatings on rate performance of LiFePO4."Journal of Power Sources
200 (2012) 67-76. DOI
Ridgway, Paul L, Honghe Zheng, Abner F Bello, Xiangyun Song, Shidi Xun, Jin Chong, and Vincent S Battaglia."Comparison of Cycling Performance of Lithium Ion Cell Anode Graphites."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
159.5 (2012) A520. DOI
Ji, Liwen, Honghe Zheng, Ariel Ismach, Zhongkui Tan, Shidi Xun, Eric Lin, Vincent S Battaglia, Venkat Srinivasan, and Yuegang Zhang."Graphene/Si multilayer structure anodes for advanced half and full lithium-ion cells."Nano Energy
1.1 (2012) 164-171. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Xiangyun Song, Linwang Wang, Michael E Grass, Zhi Liu, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."The Effects of Native Oxide Surface Layer on the Electrochemical Performance of Si Nanoparticle-Based Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
158 (2011) A1260-A1266. DOI
Liu, Gao, Shidi Xun, Nenad Vukmirovic, Xiangyun Song, Paul Olalde-Velasco, Honghe Zheng, Vincent S Battaglia, Linwang Wang, and Wanli Yang."Polymers with tailored electronic structure for high capacity lithium battery electrodes."Advanced Materials
23.40 (2011) 4679-4683. DOI
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, and Vincent S Battaglia."Insight into Iron Heat-Powder Combustion Products for Thermal Batteries: Core-Shell Structure and Semi-Conductive Properties."Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters
14 (2011) A123-A125. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Xiangyun Song, Michael E Grass, Daniel K Roseguo, Zhi Liu, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Li."Improved Initial Performance of Si Nanoparticles by Surface Oxide Reduction for Lithium-Ion Battery Application."Electrochemical Solid-State Letters
14.5 (2011) A61-A63 . DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, Paul L Ridgway, Shidi Xun, and Vincent S Battaglia."Cathode performance as a function of inactive material and void fractions."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
157.10 (2010) A1060-A1066. DOI