X Author: Michael C Tucker
Zeng, Yuqiang, Buyi Zhang, Yanbao Fu, Fengyu Shen, Qiye Zheng, Divya Chalise, Ruijiao Miao, Sumanjeet Kaur, Sean D Lubner, Michael C Tucker, Vincent S Battaglia, Chris Dames, and Ravi S Prasher."Extreme fast charging of commercial Li-ion batteries via combined thermal switching and self-heating approaches."Nature Communications
14.1 (2023). DOI
Jonson, Robert A, Vincent S Battaglia, and Michael C Tucker."Lithium Batteries with Small-Molecule Quinone Cathode Enabled by Lithium Garnet Separators."ACS Applied Energy Materials
6.2 (2023) 745 - 752. DOI
Cho, Kyu-Taek, Michael C Tucker, Markus Ding, Paul L Ridgway, Vincent S Battaglia, Venkat Srinivasan, and Adam Z Weber."Cyclic Performance Analysis of Hydrogen/Bromine Flow Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage."ChemPlusChem
80.2 (2014) 402 - 411. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Venkat Srinivasan, Philip N Ross, and Adam Z Weber."Performance and cycling of the iron-ion/hydrogen redox flow cell with various catholyte salts."Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
43.7 (2013) 637-644. DOI
Braun, Artur, Hongxin Wang, Uwe Bergmann, Michael C Tucker, Weiwei Gu, Stephen P Cramer, and Elton J Cairns."Origin of chemical shift of manganese in lithium battery electrode materials—a comparison of hard and soft X-ray techniques."Journal of Power Sources
112.1 (2002) 231-235. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lenz Kroeck, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."The Influence of Covalence on Capacity Retention in Metal-Substituted Spinels 7Li NMR, SQUID, and Electrochemical Studies."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
149 (2002) A1409-A1413. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Marca M Doeff, Thomas J Richardson, Rita Fiñones, Elton J Cairns, and Jeffrey A Reimer."Hyperfine fields at the Li site in LiFePO4-type olivine materials for lithium rechargeable batteries: A 7Li MAS NMR and SQUID study."Journal of the American Chemical Society
124.15 (2002) 3832-3833. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Marca M Doeff, Thomas J Richardson, Rita Fiñones, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."7Li and 31P magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance of LiFePO4-type materials."Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters
5 (2002) A95-A98. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."A 7Li NMR study of capacity fade in metal-substituted lithium manganese oxide spinels."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
149 (2002) A574-A585. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."A 7Li Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Metal-Substituted Lithium Manganese Oxide Spinels."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
148 (2001) A951-A959. DOI