X Author: Melissa M. Grush
Horne, Craig R., Uwe Bergmann, Melissa M. Grush, Rupert C.C. Perera, David L. Ederer, Thomas A. Callcott, Elton J. Cairns, and Stephen P. Cramer."Electronic Structure of Chemically-Prepared LixMn2O4 Determined by Mn X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopies."The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
104 (2000) 9587-9596. DOI
Grush, Melissa M., Craig R. Horne, Rupert C.C. Perera, David L. Ederer, Stephen P. Cramer, Elton J. Cairns, and Thomas A. Callcott."Correlating Electronic Structure with Cycling Performance of Substituted LiMn2O4 Electrode Materials: A Study Using the Techniques of Soft X-ray Absorption and Emission."Chemistry of Materials
12.3 (2000) 659-664. DOI
Cairns, Elton J., Craig R. Horne, B.J.R. Weiss, Melissa M. Grush, Stephen P. Cramer, O. Savadogo, and Pierre R. Roberge."X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigations of LixMn2O4."New Materials for Fuel Cell and Modern Battery Systems II