X Author: Junfa Zhu
Ai, Guo, Yiling Dai, Yifan Ye, Wenfeng Mao, Zhihui Wang, Hui Zhao, Yulin Chen, Junfa Zhu, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S. Battaglia, Jinghua Guo, Venkat Srinivasan, and Gao Liu."Investigation of surface effects through the application of the functional binders in lithium sulfur batteries."Nano Energy
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Feng, Xuefei, Min-Kyu Song, Wayne C. Stolte, David Gardenghi, Duo Zhang, Xuhui Sun, Junfa Zhu, Elton J. Cairns, and Jinghua Guo."Understanding the degradation mechanism of rechargeable lithium/sulfur cells: a comprehensive study of the sulfur–graphene oxide cathode after discharge–charge cycling."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
16.13 (2014) 16931-16940. DOI
Lin, Zhan, Caiyun Nan, Yifan Ye, Jinghua Guo, Junfa Zhu, and Elton J. Cairns."High Performance Lithium/Sulfur Cells with a Bi-functionally Immobilized Sulfur Cathode."Nano Energy
9 (2013) 408-416. DOI
Zhang, Liang, Elad Pollak, Wei-Cheng Wang, , Peng Jiang, Per-Anders Glans, Yuegang Zhang, Jordi Cabana, Robert Kostecki, , Chinglin Chang, Miquel Salmeron, Junfa Zhu, and Jinghua Guo."Electronic structure study of ordering and interfacial interaction in graphene/Cu composites."Carbon
50.14 (2012) 5316-5322. DOI