X Author: Ivan T Lucas
Lucas, Ivan T, A S McLeod, Jaroslaw S Syzdek, D S Middlemiss, Clare P Grey, D N Basov, and Robert Kostecki."IR Near-Field Spectroscopy and Imaging of Single LixFePO4 Microcrystals."Nano Letters
15.1 (2015) 1 - 7. DOI
Qiao, Ruimin, Ivan T Lucas, Altaf Karim, Jaroslaw S Syzdek, Xiaosong Liu, Wei Chen, Kristin A Persson, Robert Kostecki, and Wanli Yang."Distinct Solid-Electrolyte-Interphases on Sn (100) and (001) Electrodes Studied by Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy."Advanced Materials Interfaces
(2014). DOI
Lucas, Ivan T, Jaroslaw S Syzdek, and Robert Kostecki."Interfacial processes at single-crystal β-Sn electrodes in organic carbonate electrolytes."Electrochemistry Communications
13.11 (2011) 1271-1275. DOI
He, Qinggang, Ahmet Kusoglu, Ivan T Lucas, Kyle Clark, Adam Z Weber, and Robert Kostecki."Correlating Humidity-Dependent Ionically Conductive Surface Area with Transport Phenomena in Proton-Exchange Membranes."J. Phys. Chem. B.
115.40 (2011) 11650-11657. DOI
Pollak, Elad, Baisong Geng, Ki-Joon Jeon, Ivan T Lucas, Thomas J Richardson, Feng Wang, and Robert Kostecki."The interaction of Li+ with single-layer and few-layer graphene."Nano letters
10.9 (2010) 3386-3388. DOI
Pollak, Elad, Ivan T Lucas, and Robert Kostecki."A study of lithium transport in aluminum membranes."Electrochemistry Communications
12.2 (2010) 198-201. DOI
Hardwick, Laurence J, Juliette A Saint, Ivan T Lucas, Marca M Doeff, and Robert Kostecki."FTIR and Raman Study of the LixTiyMn1-yO2 (y= 0, 0.11) Cathodes in Methylpropyl Pyrrolidinium Bis(fluoro-sulfonyl)imide, LiTFSI Electrolyte."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
156.2 (2008) A120-A127. DOI