X Author: Hubert A Gasteiger
Sandstede, Gerd, Elton J Cairns, Vladimir S Bagotsky, Klaus Wiesener, Wolf Vielstich, Arnold Lamm, Hubert A Gasteiger, and Harumi Yokokawa."History of low temperature fuel cells."Handbook of Fuel Cells
Fundamentals Technology and Applications (2010). DOI
Sandstede, Gerd, Elton J Cairns, Vladimir S Bagotsky, Klaus Wiesener, Wolf Vielstich, Arnold Lamm, and Hubert A Gasteiger."General scientific background before and during the beginning of fuel cell research."Handbook of Fuel Cells
Fundamentals, Technology and Applications (2003) 143-219.
Gasteiger, Hubert A, Nenad Marković, Philip N Ross, and Elton J Cairns."Electro-oxidation of small organic molecules on well-characterized Pt-Ru alloys."Electrochimica Acta
39.11-12 (1994) 1825-1832. DOI
Gasteiger, Hubert A, Nenad Marković, Philip N Ross, and Elton J Cairns."Carbon monoxide electrooxidation on well-characterized platinum-ruthenium alloys."The Journal of Physical Chemistry
98.2 (1994) 617-625. DOI
Gasteiger, Hubert A, Nenad Marković, Philip N Ross, and Elton J Cairns."Temperature-Dependent Methanol Electro-Oxidation on Well-Characterized Pt-Ru Alloys."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
141.7 (1994) 1795-1803. DOI
Rudnicki, James D, Gessie M Brisard, Hubert A Gasteiger, Richard E Russo, Frank R McLarnon, and Elton J Cairns."Effect of the supporting electrolyte and beam diameter on probe beam deflection experiments."Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
362.1-2 (1993) 55-69. DOI
Gasteiger, Hubert A, Nenad Marković, Philip N Ross, and Elton J Cairns."Methanol electrooxidation on well-characterized platinum-ruthenium bulk alloys."The Journal of Physical Chemistry
97 (1993) 12020-12029. DOI