X Author: Elyse A Kedzie
Huang, Tzu‐Yang, Zijian Cai, Matthew J Crafton, Lori A Kaufman, Zachary M Konz, Helen K Bergstrom, Elyse A Kedzie, Han‐Ming Hao, Gerbrand Ceder, and Bryan D McCloskey."Quantitative Decoupling of Oxygen‐Redox and Manganese‐Redox Voltage Hysteresis in a Cation‐Disordered Rock Salt Cathode."Advanced Energy Materials
13.21 (2023). DOI
Yin, Wei, Gözde Barim, Xinxing Peng, Elyse A Kedzie, Mary C Scott, Bryan D McCloskey, and Marca M Doeff."Tailoring the structure and electrochemical performance of sodium titanate anodes by post-synthesis heating."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
10.47 (2022) 25178 - 25187. DOI
Kedzie, Elyse A, Jessica E Nichols, and Bryan D McCloskey."Effect of charging protocol and carbon electrode selection in Na–O2 batteries."Journal of Materials Research
37.19 (2022) 3227 - 3236. DOI