X Author: Dilworth Y. Parkinson
Yi, Eongyu, Hao Shen, Stephen Heywood, Judith Alvarado, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Stephen W. Sofie, and Marca M. Doeff."All-Solid-State Batteries Using Rationally Designed Garnet Electrolyte Frameworks."ACS Applied Energy Materials
3.1 (2020) 170 - 175. DOI
Shen, Hao, Eongyu Yi, Stephen Heywood, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Nobumichi Tamura, Stephen W. Sofie, Kai Chen, and Marca M. Doeff."Scalable Freeze-Tape-Casting Fabrication and Pore Structure Analysis of 3D LLZO Solid-State Electrolytes."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
12.3 (2020) 3494 - 3501. DOI
Shen, Hao, Eongyu Yi, Marco Amores, Lei Cheng, Nobumichi Tamura, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Kai Chen, and Marca M. Doeff."Oriented porous LLZO 3D structures obtained by freeze casting for battery applications."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
7.36 (2019) 20861 - 20870. DOI
Hwa, Yoon, Hyo Won Kim, Hao Shen, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Bryan D. McCloskey, and Elton J. Cairns."A sustainable sulfur–carbonaceous composite electrode toward high specific energy rechargeable cells."Materials Horizons
7.2 (2019) 524 - 529. DOI
Hwa, Yoon, Eongyu Yi, Hao Shen, Younghoon Sung, Jiawei Kou, Kai Chen, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Marca M. Doeff, and Elton J. Cairns."Three-Dimensionally Aligned Sulfur Electrodes by Directional Freeze Tape Casting."Nano Letters
19.7 (2019) 4731 - 4737. DOI
Higa, Kenneth, Shao-Ling Wu, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Yanbao Fu, Steven Ferreira, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Venkat Srinivasan."Comparing Macroscale and Microscale Simulations of Porous Battery Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) E3473 - E3488. DOI
Zhao, Hui, Qing Yang, Neslihan Yuca, Min Ling, Kenneth Higa, Vincent S. Battaglia, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Venkat Srinivasan, and Gao Liu."A Convenient and Versatile Method To Control the Electrode Microstructure toward High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries."Nano Letters
16.7 (2016) 4686 - 4690. DOI