X Author: Dilworth Y Parkinson
Yi, Eongyu, Hao Shen, Stephen Heywood, Judith Alvarado, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Stephen W Sofie, and Marca M Doeff."All-Solid-State Batteries Using Rationally Designed Garnet Electrolyte Frameworks."ACS Applied Energy Materials
3.1 (2020) 170 - 175. DOI
Shen, Hao, Eongyu Yi, Stephen Heywood, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Nobumichi Tamura, Stephen W Sofie, Kai Chen, and Marca M Doeff."Scalable Freeze-Tape-Casting Fabrication and Pore Structure Analysis of 3D LLZO Solid-State Electrolytes."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
12.3 (2020) 3494 - 3501. DOI
Shen, Hao, Eongyu Yi, Marco Amores, Lei Cheng, Nobumichi Tamura, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Guoying Chen, Kai Chen, and Marca M Doeff."Oriented porous LLZO 3D structures obtained by freeze casting for battery applications."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
7.36 (2019) 20861 - 20870. DOI
Hwa, Yoon, Hyo Won Kim, Hao Shen, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Bryan D McCloskey, and Elton J Cairns."A sustainable sulfur–carbonaceous composite electrode toward high specific energy rechargeable cells."Materials Horizons
7.2 (2019) 524 - 529. DOI
Hwa, Yoon, Eongyu Yi, Hao Shen, Younghoon Sung, Jiawei Kou, Kai Chen, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Marca M Doeff, and Elton J Cairns."Three-Dimensionally Aligned Sulfur Electrodes by Directional Freeze Tape Casting."Nano Letters
19.7 (2019) 4731 - 4737. DOI
Higa, Kenneth, Shao-Ling Wu, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Yanbao Fu, Steven Ferreira, Vincent S Battaglia, and Venkat Srinivasan."Comparing Macroscale and Microscale Simulations of Porous Battery Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) E3473 - E3488. DOI
Zhao, Hui, Qing Yang, Neslihan Yuca, Min Ling, Kenneth Higa, Vincent S Battaglia, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Venkat Srinivasan, and Gao Liu."A Convenient and Versatile Method To Control the Electrode Microstructure toward High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries."Nano Letters
16.7 (2016) 4686 - 4690. DOI