X Author: Chixia Tian
Lee, Rung-Chuan, Joseph Franklin, Chixia Tian, Dennis Nordlund, Marca M Doeff, and Robert Kostecki."The origin of impedance rise in Ni-Rich positive electrodes for lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
498 (2021) 229885. DOI
Tian, Chixia, Yahong Xu, Wang Hay Kan, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Dennis Nordlund, Hao Shen, Kai Chen, Yijin Liu, and Marca M Doeff."Distinct Surface and Bulk Thermal Behaviors of LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 Cathode Materials as a Function of State of Charge."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
12.10 (2020) 11643 - 11656. DOI
Mu, Linqin, Qingxi Yuan, Chixia Tian, Chenxi Wei, Kai Zhang, Jin Liu, Piero Pianetta, Marca M Doeff, Yijin Liu, and Feng Lin."Propagation topography of redox phase transformations in heterogeneous layered oxide cathode materials."Nature Communications
9.1 (2018). DOI
Tian, Chixia, Yahong Xu, Dennis Nordlund, Feng Lin, Jin Liu, Zhihong Sun, Yijin Liu, and Marca M Doeff."Charge Heterogeneity and Surface Chemistry in Polycrystalline Cathode Materials."Joule
2.3 (2018) 464 - 477. DOI
Tian, Chixia, Dennis Nordlund, Huolin L Xin, Yahong Xu, Yijin Liu, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Feng Lin, and Marca M Doeff."Depth-Dependent Redox Behavior of LiNi 0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
165.3 (2018) A696 - A704. DOI
Tian, Chixia, Feng Lin, and Marca M Doeff."Electrochemical Characteristics of Layered Transition Metal Oxide Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries: Surface, Bulk Behavior, and Thermal Properties."Accounts of Chemical Research
51.1 (2018) 89 - 96. DOI
Evans, Tyler, Daniela Molina Piper, Huaxing Sun, Timothy Porcelli, Seul Cham Kim, Sang Sub Han, Yong Seok Choi, Chixia Tian, Dennis Nordlund, Marca M Doeff, Chunmei Ban, Sung-Jin Cho, Kyu Hwan Oh, and Se-Hee Lee."In Situ Engineering of the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface for Stabilized Overlithiated Cathodes."Advanced Materials
29.10 (2017) 1604549. DOI