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Tuffner, Francis, John Undrill, Don Scoffield, Joseph H Eto, Dmitry Kosterev, and Ryan Quint."Distribution-Level Impacts of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging on the Transmission System during Fault Conditions."
Corson, Elizabeth R, Ananya Subramani, Jason K Cooper, Robert Kostecki, Jeffrey J Urban, and Bryan D McCloskey."Reduction of carbon dioxide at a plasmonically active copper–silver cathode."Chemical Communications
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Zou, Lianfeng, Wengao Zhao, Haiping Jia, Jianming Zheng, Linze Li, Daniel P Abraham, Guoying Chen, Jason R Croy, Ji-Guang Zhang, and Chongmin Wang."The Role of Secondary Particle Structures in Surface Phase Transitions of Ni-Rich Cathodes."Chemistry of Materials
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Liu, Haodong, Zhuoying Zhu, Qizhang Yan, Sicen Yu, Xin He, Yan Chen, Rui Zhang, Lu Ma, Tongchao Liu, Matthew Li, Ruoqian Lin, Yiming Chen, Yejing Li, Xing Xing, Yoonjung Choi, Lucy Gao, Helen Sung-yun Cho, Ke An, Jun Feng, Robert Kostecki, Khalil Amine, Tianpin Wu, Jun Lu, Huolin L Xin, Shyue Ping Ong, and Ping Liu."A disordered rock salt anode for fast-charging lithium-ion batteries."Nature
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Ahn, Juhyeon, Dongchang Chen, and Guoying Chen."A Fluorination Method for Improving Cation‐Disordered Rocksalt Cathode Performance."Advanced Energy Materials
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Crafton, Matthew J, Yuan Yue, Tzu‐Yang Huang, Wei Tong, and Bryan D McCloskey."Anion Reactivity in Cation‐Disordered Rocksalt Cathode Materials: The Influence of Fluorine Substitution."Advanced Energy Materials
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Bui, Ngoc T, Hyungmook Kang, Simon J Teat, Gregory M Su, Chih-Wen Pao, Yi-Sheng Liu, Edmond W Zaia, Jinghua Guo, Jeng-Lung Chen, Katie R Meihaus, Chaochao Dun, Tracy M Mattox, Jeffrey R Long, Peter Fiske, Robert Kostecki, and Jeffrey J Urban."A nature-inspired hydrogen-bonded supramolecular complex for selective copper ion removal from water."Nature Communications
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Zheng, Zhiming, Hong-Hui Wu, Haodong Liu, Qiaobao Zhang, Xin He, Sicen Yu, Victoria Petrova, Jun Feng, Robert Kostecki, Ping Liu, Dong-Liang Peng, Meilin Liu, and Ming-Sheng Wang."Achieving Fast and Durable Lithium Storage through Amorphous FeP Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Ultrathin 3D P-Doped Porous Carbon Nanosheets."ACS Nano
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Pan, Yuelei, Xudong Cheng, Mengyao Gao, Yanbao Fu, Jun Feng, Hoda Ahmed, Lunlun Gong, Heping Zhang, and Vincent S Battaglia."Dual-Functional Multichannel Carbon Framework Embedded with CoS 2Nanoparticles: Promoting the Phase Transformation for High-Loading Li–S Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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He, Xin, Sumanjeet Kaur, and Robert Kostecki."Mining Lithium from Seawater."Joule
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Liu, Zhimeng, Xin He, Chen Fang, Luis E Camacho‐Forero, Yangzhi Zhao, Yanbao Fu, Jun Feng, Robert Kostecki, Perla B Balbuena, Junhua Xhang, Jingxin Lei, and Gao Liu."Reversible Crosslinked Polymer Binder for Recyclable Lithium Sulfur Batteries with High Performance."Advanced Functional Materials
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Gerke, Brian F, Giulia Gallo, Sarah Josephine Smith, Jingjing Liu, Shuba V Raghavan, Peter Schwartz, Mary Ann Piette, Rongxin Yin, and Sofia Stensson."The California Demand Response Potential Study, Phase 3: Final Report on the Shift Resource through 2030."
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Zhao, Yangzhi, Chen Fang, Guangzhao Zhang, Dion Hubble, Asritha Nallapaneni, Chenhui Zhu, Zhuowen Zhao, Zhimeng Liu, Jonathan Lau, Yanbao Fu, and Gao Liu."A Micelle Electrolyte Enabled by Fluorinated Ether Additives for Polysulfide Suppression and Li Metal Stabilization in Li-S Battery."Frontiers in Chemistry
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Petnikota, Shaikshavali, Rodney Chua, Karunakara Moorthy Boopathi, Rohit Satish, Francesco Bonaccorso, Vittorio Pellegrini, and Madhavi Srinivasan."An Insight into the Electrochemical Activity of Al-doped V2O3."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
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Zou, Lianfeng, Yang He, Zhenyu Liu, Haiping Jia, Jian Zhu, Jianming Zheng, Guofeng Wang, Xiaolin Li, Jie Xiao, Jun Liu, Ji-Guang Zhang, Guoying Chen, and Chongmin Wang."Unlocking the passivation nature of the cathode–air interfacial reactions in lithium ion batteries."Nature Communications
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Konz, Zachary M, Eric J McShane, and Bryan D McCloskey."Detecting the Onset of Lithium Plating and Monitoring Fast Charging Performance with Voltage Relaxation."ACS Energy Letters
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Yue, Yuan, Ning Li, Linze Li, Emily E Foley, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, Raphaële J Clément, Chongmin Wang, and Wei Tong."Redox Behaviors in a Li-Excess Cation-Disordered Mn–Nb–O–F Rocksalt Cathode."Chemistry of Materials
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Attia, Peter M, William C Chueh, and Stephen J Harris."Revisiting the t0.5 Dependence of SEI Growth."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
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Lee, Seung-Yong, Junyi Shangguan, Judith Alvarado, Sophia Betzler, Stephen J Harris, Marca M Doeff, and Haimei Zheng."Unveiling the mechanisms of lithium dendrite suppression by cationic polymer film induced solid–electrolyte interphase modification."Energy & Environmental Science
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Zhu, Jian, Soroosh Sharifi-Asl, Juan C Garcia, Hakim H Iddir, Jason R Croy, Reza Shahbazian-Yassar, and Guoying Chen."Atomic-Level Understanding of Surface Reconstruction Based on Li[NixMnyCo1–x–y]O2 Single-Crystal Studies."ACS Applied Energy Materials
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Li, Haifeng, Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, John W Freeland, Bryan D McCloskey, and Jordi Cabana."Definition of Redox Centers in Reactions of Lithium Intercalation in Li3RuO4 Polymorphs."Journal of the American Chemical Society
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Ramakrishnan, Srinivasan, Byungchun Park, Jue Wu, Wanli Yang, and Bryan D McCloskey."Extended Interfacial Stability through Simple Acid Rinsing in a Li-Rich Oxide Cathode Material."Journal of the American Chemical Society
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Chua, Rodney, Yi Cai, Pei Qi Lim, Sonal Kumar, Rohit Satish, William Manalastas, Hao Ren, Vivek Verma, Shize Meng, Samuel A Morris, Pinit Kidkhunthod, Jianming Bai, and Madhavi Srinivasan."Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions in Hybrid Aqueous/Nonaqueous Electrolytes Enable Low-Cost and Long-Lifespan Sodium-Ion Storage."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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Usseglio-Viretta, F.L.E, W Mai, A.M Colclasure, M Doeff, Eongyu Yi, and K Smith."Enabling fast charging of lithium-ion batteries through secondary- /dual- pore network: Part I - Analytical diffusion model."Electrochimica Acta
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